Through a collaborative partnership with Muncie Public Schools, Boys & Girls Clubs aims to help improve the city’s high school graduation rate. Within the safety of the Clubs and surrounded by positive role models, members receive academic support that both complements and builds upon school day curriculum.
From early childhood literacy instruction to college access and success programs, there are education programs suited for every member.
Every day, the Clubs offer Power Hour during the first hour after school. This is a time for members to focus on homework or participate in differentiated educational activities and interventions. Additionally, the Clubs offer further programming to meet the academic needs of kids and teens.
Power Hour
The goal of Power Hour: Making Minutes Count is to help young people develop academic, behavioral and social skills through homework completion, high-yield learning activities and tutoring.
Indiana Learns
Statewide enrichment grant program supporting reading and math growth for eligible young Hoosiers by funding tutoring in a variety of settings. Focus is on high-dosage tutoring.
Indiana Kids
The Indiana Kids program provides education, youth development and career exploration services.