October 13, 2020
Contact: Amy Logan, Marketing Committee, Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie

Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie’s Expansion to Help Families

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie are excited to announce a new program, in partnership with
the YMCA of Muncie, to help support our families, our schools, and most importantly our kids
during a difficult academic year. Starting Monday, October 26th, the Clubs will be opening a
school day program for Muncie Community School students who are currently enrolled in the
Virtual Learning Program.

Students in grades K-12 can participate in a hybrid of virtual school programming as well as
face-to-face help from 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Friday. This program is free of charge to
members of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie. (Membership to the Clubs is only $15 per year
and new members are added daily.) As part of the program, students will receive schoolwork
assistance, internet access, and a secure place to do their work. In addition to the assistance
with the Virtual Learning Program, students will receive breakfast, lunch, and a snack each day
they are in attendance. This expansion is made possible through funding from the United Way
of Delaware, Henry, and Randolph Counties and through funding provided from a Lily
Endowment through the Indiana United Way.

Classrooms will be limited to 10 – 15 members each. Spaces are limited, please call
Destinee Lewis, Director of Programs, at 765-282-4461, ext. 104 to reserve your student’s

Q: Is this program only for current Boys & Girls Clubs Members?
A: No, this program is for any child enrolled in Muncie Community Schools Virtual Learning
Program. A membership will be required for all children enrolled.
Q: Can I enroll my child while they are being quarantined from Muncie Community Schools?
A: No, this program is only for Muncie Community Schools Virtual Learning Program enrollees.
Q: I homeschool my child, can I send them to this program?
A: No, we are not a licensed school. We are working to support our students with their
schoolwork through the Muncie Community Schools Virtual Learning Program.
Q: What does my child need to bring?
A: All they need to bring is their MCS school provided Chromebook.

To inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential,
as productive, caring and responsible citizens.